Friday 27 November 2009

Film Brief

Our task is to create the first two minutes of a horror film. We have researched into the genre of horror in order to gain an understanding into what we should include in our piece.

The purpose of creating the first two minutes of a horror film is to gain a strong understanding of the genre of horror.

We chose the genre of horror because it is very adaptable, and has many sub-genres. This genre also provides an opportunity to include multiple camera angles, sound effects and editing techniques.

Our film starts with a man lying in a field with a mysterious circle around him. He wakes, confused and disoriented and begins to search for signs of life. When he notices something following him in some nearby bushes, he begins to move quicker, being chased by the mysterious figure. As he begins to move faster, he trips over a body lying in the field. More bodies begin to appear, haunting his sight and causing him distress. He looks around, to find that the bodies he saw have mysteriously disappeared and before he has a chance to stand, the figure approaches him...

Our film is set in a rural village in the south of England. Residents of the village have begun to go missing, leaving only a mysterious ring burnt in the ground as clue to their disappearance. A group of students staying in a local hostel, who have heard about the myth of the ‘ring murderer’, begin to realise strange happenings where they’re staying.

When they notice a ring burnt onto their floor, the students begin to panic, knowing that if the ring murderer really does exist, they’re next on his list.

During the night, one of the students goes missing and the rest go out to save the kidnapped student from their fate, leading to a disturbing discovery and fight for their survival.

The students discover the true identity of the ring murderer as the owner of the hostel they were staying in, but before they have a chance to escape and reveal the truth, they are confronted by the ring murderer and are slaughtered. During the violent scene, the students appear to kill the ring murderer, but the film ends with the antagonist walking down the village streets with a can of petrol in his hand.

We want the film to create the feeling of tension and mystery, leaving the audience unsettled and wanting to know the identity of the antagonist. As questions are answered, more are made, leaving the audience unnerved and slightly confused at the end of the film.

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